NameCoach stands against racial violence and injustice. Access public audio resources to help raise awareness.


NameCoach, Salesforce’s only solution for accurate name pronunciations, was selected as the winner of the 2019 October Demo Jam. Demo Jam is a competition between 4-7 companies who showcase their Salesforce App in a short 3-minute demo, without slides. At the end of the demos, the winner is selected by the AEs, SEs, and the rest of the Salesforce folks on Demo Jam

“Of all the tech tools rolled out in my 10+ years at CSUN, NameCoach has to be the best-received one I’ve seen. Faculty and staff ‘just get it’ and they love it!”
— Paul Schantz, Director of Web & Tech Services, Student Affairs, Cal State University-Northridge

  • NameCoach is the only company that focuses on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging through accurate name pronunciations, to create a sense of belonging for all students, employees, and potential and current clients.
  • NameCoach has the largest and most accurate name pronunciation database in the world. This database can be accessed directly through Salesforce and other University and Company software solutions.
  • NameCoach is perfect for Diversity and Inclusion initiatives, Sales and Lead Development efforts, as well as Customer Happiness in all interactions

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